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While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

Started by Graham Brown
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While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

I am trying to open a form & post information from that form to other forms using the following, however DE8 will not open the form. If i remove the "while current.... do . " the form "Deposit Close_Retrurn" will not open!

while current status not = 1 do .

  input using Deposit Close-Return into "TempReturn" .
  case (current status )
  value 1 : 

exit .

  value 2 :
  enter a record in Deposit Close-Return
  copy all from TempReturn .
  value 3 :
  modify records in Deposits Account 
  with (TenancyID = TempReturn TenancyID)
  copy all from TempReturn .
  Others :
  message "Did it work" window .

Written by Graham Brown 02/02/14 at 10:50:34 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

We just tested this in (shouldn't be any difference to any previous versions of DE8) and it worked fine.

Obviously we didn't test your app as we don't have it, but a input using in general:

while current status not=1 do input using CompanyOrder into "tempCompany" .
case (current status)
value 1:
exit .
value 2 :
enter a record in CompanyOrder
copy all from tempCompany .
Others : message "Did it work" window .

This worked as "designed" ;-)

Request like this should be accompanied by an example app that show the functionality not working. This will insure a more targeted response and we can also find other factors that cause the problem rather than the assumed. 

Input using is not a recommend functionality to use in DE8 and is only kept in for backwards compatibility.

In DE8 you can simply use your form and fire ExecDQL() to update, insert, modify data anywhere without the need for the hassle of Input using. You can work on the real data in real time, and modify other date also in real time.

We will show this in our DE8 Workshop.

We also tested input using in ExecDQL and it did work, but this is strictly not recommend as it is both unnecessary and can also cause problems with the GUI context of ExecDQL. Input using is a DFW hack to replicate the same functionality from DFD. It was a good alternative in DFD but was never a good way to approach the same problem in DFW.

Written by DataEase Tech Sup 03/02/14 at 08:57:00 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

I have looked at the database in question and have found the following:-

Problem 1: The table of the form that was the subject of the input using statement was duplicated - I deleted the duplicate in the manner suggested in a recent Forum posting.

Problem 2: I still could not get anything to display, so I started building my own DQL from scratch and using a different form and table.  Input using was fine and displayed the relevant form, but when I added the while statement the form was no longer displayed when the DQL was run.  I put in some message .... window statements and found that the one immediately after the while statement never displayed.

I am using release 1464.

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 03/02/14 at 11:31:26 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

This simple DQL does not display any messages.  When run in Design View the flashing cursor disappears.

define "pob" Number .
pob := 0 .

while pob < 5 do .
message pob window .
pob := pob + 1 .
end .
message "The End" window .

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 04/02/14 at 07:59:18 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:Re:While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

Hi! We have just tested this while loop in 6.53 7.2 and 8.1 and it works fine.

There must be something "environmental" here that impacts this. Is this in a fresh app or is it in the app that had problems with the while loop earlier? 

Try to re-start your computer, build a fresh app and try to get the problem.

I must stress that to see problems properly we need an APP that has the problem. A query will most of the times not be enough as the problems normally is a combination of things rather than the thing that doesn't seem to work.

Written by DataEase Tech Sup 04/02/14 at 10:04:40 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

Hi - It works fine in a new app - I will ask Graham if he will let you have a copy of his database (It may still have the duplicate Table Name).

Can you advise us where to send it?

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 04/02/14 at 10:21:41 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:While current status not = 1 do. Will not open input form

Written by Graham Brown 05/02/14 at 14:58:33 Dataease [{8}]FIVE