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Calling MemoExecDQL From a Button

Started by Graham Brown
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Calling MemoExecDQL From a Button

Second attempt for this entry.

I am trying to create a button to call a DQL saved in ExecDQLStore under DQlNr 001

MemoExecDQL( any ExecDQLStore with (DQLNr = "001") ,"" ,"","" ,"" ,"") .

Written by Graham Brown 09/03/14 at 17:48:31 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Calling MemoExecDQL From a Button

Hi Graham.

You can't use ANY in a derivation. When using MemoExecDQL in a form you need to first lookup the DQL you want to use in a Virtual Memo and then execute it.

This is a Data/Programming crossover where you store the DQL's as data in you app, and then execute them on the fly.

So what you need is a Key Field which identify which DQL you want to lookup ex. DQLNr with Derivation "001" and tjhen a virtual MEmo field called ex. DQL with derivation: Lookup ExecDQLStore DQL

You can then put the following on your button:

If you want to use the same setup to run other DQLs in the same form, simply use following derivation on your button:


Written by DataEase 10/03/14 at 09:33:05 Dataease [{8}]FIVE