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Windows Restore destroys DataBases

Started by Edward Gordley
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Windows Restore destroys DataBases

I recently had to restore form a previous point in windows 8. Windows assured me that none of my files would be affected. When I tried to reopen any of the databases on the C: drive they has all be destroyed. Ones that had been saved on my server and thumb drive were fine. I can remember this happening with windows 7 and DataEase 7.2, which prompted me to save my databases off of my C: drive this time. By the way I checked the databases before I run the restore and they were OK. Still now sure why doing a system restore would kill databases stored in “My Document\My DataEase.

Written by Edward Gordley 14/07/14 at 23:07:03 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Windows Restore destroys DataBases

I think this is a question you need to direct to Microsoft Rather than us.

We have no impact on Windows Restore. This is a 100% Microsoft routine. Personally I have never had a successful restore of Windows to a previous restore point, so I am afraid that this "feature" offer false security. The best way to look after your "investment" in applications etc, is to regularly take backup of your system with a proper backup tool.

Written by DataEase Tech Sup. 15/07/14 at 14:13:03 Dataease [{8}]FIVE