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I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2

Started by Abe Jones
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I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2

I am trying to convert from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2. 

Everything works fine, but I get problems with the dates in my app. 

When migrating I get Invalid/Illegal Date format for each record...

Can anyone help?

Written by Abe Jones 26/01/15 at 16:12:22 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2

The problem is related to the Base Year in your DFW 6.x app.

If the base year in the app is different than the base year in DE8.2 you will get this problem.

Simply change the base year in your 6.x app to correspond with DE8.2 i.e. 75.

Written by DataEase 26/01/15 at 16:15:01 Dataease [{8}]FIVE