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Date problem with windows 10

Started by Mohd Sedik Zakaria
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Date problem with windows 10

When i want use ??/08/2015 in my date field. Its nothing can show, why? Maybe it just happen in windows 10?

Written by Mohd Sedik Zakaria 01/09/15 at 05:46:36 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Date problem with windows 10

I suspect the problem is that you have a different date separator after updating to Windows 10.

A date is stored as a number but when you search for it is converted to a string.

So if you switch from dd/mm/yy to dd.mm.yy it will work fine in fields etc, but when you search you have to use ??.08.2015 rather than ??/08/2015.

This can be tricky if you have used the formatting in a derivation etc.

Written by DataEase 01/09/15 at 12:12:30 Dataease [{8}]FIVE