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Cut and paste

Started by Finn Edvin
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Cut and paste

In DataEase 8.5 you can not paste the values from a table in Excel. I miss this feature that was possible in previous verson of DataEase. Will you post it again?

When I make changes to a Dql procedure can not I asked to change the layout. How can I change the layout so that it matches Dql?

Written by Finn Edvin 02/11/15 at 10:16:23 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Cut and paste

1. The past from Table basically changed because in DE8.5 you can past a multi line and formatted object into a field and it is very annoying when DataEase always ask you if you want to paste multiple records when there is formatting in the source.

2. What version of 8.5 are you running? Formatting of old style DQL's was "re-introduced" a long time ago.

Written by DataEase 02/11/15 at 17:51:05 Dataease [{8}]FIVE