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Looking for a way to truncate a time field. So it only shows hours and minutes but no seconds

Started by Kevin O'Donnell
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Looking for a way to truncate a time field. So it only shows hours and minutes but no seconds

Does anyone know a way to truncate a time field. So it only shows hours and minutes but no seconds. But i still need it to be able to calculate elapsed time.

I'm working on setting up a time card type of system for workers to log their time on jobs and the 'seconds' is causing some issues of the human element type.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Written by Kevin O'Donnell 13/04/16 at 15:35:15 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Looking for a way to truncate a time field. So it only shows hours and minutes but no seconds

Download Sample!

Sample above will show different ways to truncate and calculate time.

The important bit is to show how you can move between the different field types to achieve what you want.

DataEase converts on the fly between text, dates, time, numbers, numeric string etc.

Written by DataEase 13/04/16 at 16:32:57 Dataease [{8}]FIVE