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Export using ?MemoExecDQL

Started by Jeyarajah Arulrajah
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Export using ?MemoExecDQL

I was using the following function to export data

MemoExecDQL(DQLMemoField,"Data-Entry Field1","Data-Entry Field2","Data-Entry Field3","Data-Entry Field3","Export File")

But, header came in just like what is in the list records.

For an example, firstc(Zip,5) in the list records, produced the same in the header.

Is there any option to customize the header or even turn it off ?

Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 28/09/18 at 15:31:10 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Export using ?MemoExecDQL

MemoExecDQL come with full formatting of body etc like DFD.
So the only thing you need to include is a format Memo.

MemoExecDQL(DQLMemoField,"Data-Entry Field1","Data-Entry Field2","Data-Entry Field3","Data-Entry Field3","Export File",DQLMemoFormat)

in DQLMemoFormat.




if you want named headers just write them in.


In DE9 we introduce AS as a new pragma in DQL so you will be able to do.

List records
firstc(MyField,4) as "CustomerNr" ;
concat("My NAme is:" , namefield) as "MyName" ;

Written by DataEase 01/10/18 at 18:24:20 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Export using ?MemoExecDQL

MemoExecDQL(DQLMemoField,"Data-Entry Field1","Data-Entry Field2","Data-Entry Field3","Data-Entry Field3","Export File",DQLMemoFormat)

Is this available in 8.5 ?

Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 02/10/18 at 18:37:48 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:Export using ?MemoExecDQL

Yes, defiinitly. Have been for quite some time too.

Written by DataEase 04/10/18 at 17:41:13 Dataease [{8}]FIVE