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lock db (lock database)





lock db (lock database)


Control Command


The lock db command is only functional when using DataEase on a LAN (local area network). This command completely prohibits other users from accessing the current application.


lock db .


The lock db command can be used to preserve the integrity of data during an extended Control procedure or to prevent a conflict when installing a new or revised application into the application.

The lock db Control command differs from the lock Processing command in several ways:

It locks the whole application rather than specified tables or individual records.

There is no shared option for the lock db command: no other user can view records or access any table in the application for any purpose.

The lock db command is not automatically terminated at the end of the procedure. Once an application is locked by the lock db command, it remains locked until an unlock db command is executed, or the user who initiated the lock db command exits from DataEase.


On a LAN (local area network), if another user is currently using any resource required by the lock db command, DataEase displays a Resource Conflict message. While this message is displayed, DataEase automatically tries to execute the command at brief intervals.

When the required resource becomes available, DataEase automatically resumes processing and executes the rest of the procedure.


 lock db .


 run procedure "DELETE INACTIVE MEMBERS" .

 run procedure "UPDATE ACTIVE MEMBERS" .

 unlock db .


This script tells DataEase: (1) Lock the current application, (2)run the ARCHIVE OLD RESERVATIONS procedure, (3) run the DELETE INACTIVE MEMBERS procedure, (4) run the UPDATE ACTIVE MEMBERS procedure, and (5) unlock the application.

See Also

On the forum about lock db (lock database)

On the blog about lock db (lock database)