To create a table during runtime that can be used for storing history, data-manipulation and eventually direct user interaction.
In version 1 this function will only be usable from ExecDQL as all other Documents/procedure can only access pre-defined tables.
NewTableName: Text
Name of new table that you want to create. Can be any text and also constructed via derivation i.e Jointext ("Customers",current date) etc.
Keyword: Text
Copy: This will copy the structure including the Relationship from the TemplateTable.
Delete : This keyword will delete the table named in NewTableName.
DeleteWithForm: Delete the table and any corresponding form with the same name.
CopyWithForm: Will copy the table and form (if any) with the same name as the table
CopyWithFormOpen: Will copy the table and form with same name as table and open this form in User Mode.
COpyWithFormOpenDT: Will copy the table and form with the same name as table and open this form in Design Mode.
TemplateTable: Text
This is the name of the table that we want to copy the structure from.