Want to become our Partner?
Our new product line has not been released yet but several partners and key people have already been working with DG3 since April 2011. It is no secret that new developments in DataEase for Windows have been a hard sales, but not so when it comes to selling Web frontends to existing DataEase systems.
So far we have not come across a single customer that has not immediately wanted to get started with DG3. The mood and atmosphere has gone from grey and slightly depressed to bright, enthusiastic and inspiring. Suddenly we can fulfil all the new development wishes of our clients and not only that, we can show them things that they didn't even dream possible accomplishing with DataEase. We are already getting much more work than we can handle, and since all Pre-launch projects will be undertaken by partners in co-operation with us, we desperately need new partners that want to work with the biggest revolution in the DataEase world ever, and we think that it will be a small revolution for software development in general too. You might think that we only work with large companies but you could not be more wrong. We work with people. We want to work with people that want to work with us and who want to learn and use our product to make a difference. If you come on board now you will get a head start in DG3 development, and you will be a highly demanded specialist when we let DG3 go on General Release at the end of 2012. Click the button below to apply to become a partner and we will contact you ASAP to discuss your application.
Published: 31/10/11 - 10:03:02 (Ulrik Jacob Høegh - Krohn)
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