Problems with viewing help files in LegEasy 6 Windows (6.53)
The help files that accompany LegEasy 6 is the original 6.52 files in .HLP format. Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) is a Help program that has been included with Microsoft Windows versions starting with the Microsoft Windows 3.1 operating system. However, the Windows Help program has not had a major update for many releases and no longer meets Microsoft's standards. Therefore, starting with the release of Windows Vista and continuing in Windows 7, the Windows Help program will not ship as a feature of Windows. If you want to view 32-bit .hlp files, you must download and install the program (WinHlp32.exe) from the Microsoft Download Center.
Download WinHelp32 from Microsoft Here
Alternatively you can download the entire collection of DataEase 6 Documentation here as .PDF files.
Published: 26/03/12 - 15:44:43 (Amanda Higgins)
Last changed: 26/03/12 - 16:15:34 (Ulrik Jacob Hoegh - Krohn)
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