ODBC vs. OLEDB under WIndows 7 x 64
With every new version of Microsoft Windows, there is new opportunities, new solutions, new problems and new challenges. ODBC has been around for more than 20 years now, and it is has always been a popular way to quickly access data in different databases. The problem has often been, that for some reason it has never been "Good enough".
Microsoft tried to replaces it with the much more "effective" OLEDB technology, but as most of the technologies with OLE in the name, it never really worked, so now they have discontinued that too....
Luckily the world is no longer ruled by MS alone, so when they played with all their new technologies, ODBC lived on and it is today stronger than ever. When there is almost no x64 drivers for OLEDB, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to ODBC drivers. In DataEase we have with varying success supported both these technologies, but we have to say - hand on heart - that neither has been that transparent and easy to use for our users. We are sorry to say that, this has not changed in either LegEasy 6 Windows (6.53) or 7.5. On the other hand, we will try to provide help, examples and suggestions on how to best exploit this technology in both. Our first recommendation is that anyone that want to run OLEDB stay away from Windows 7 x64 altogether. The second is, do you really need to run OLEDB at all? We have tested ODBC extensively over the last weeks, and there is few reasons we can find for not using this technology instead of OLEDB. One problem for people that want to use ODBC in Windows 7 x64 is to configure it. This is basically because the ODBC admin that is loaded by default in x64 is the x64 version, and you will not be able to configure you x32 data sources here. Simply load the one you find in the SYSWOW64 subsystem instead, and you should be on home turf! C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ODBCad32.exe Over the next couple of months we will publish articles about how to use and connect to different databases via ODBC in 6.x and 7.x
Published: 06/05/12 - 14:10:36 (Amanda Higgins)
Last changed: 06/05/12 - 15:26:16 (Ulrik Jacob Hoegh - Krohn)
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