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missing configuer.bat file

Started by Martyn Blackstock
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missing configuer.bat file

Download: dataease error 1.PNG

Hi all

never used this program before and have a client who since updating is having this issue here, just wondered if anyone has any solutions for it please? this occurs when opening the program

Written by Martyn Blackstock 15/08/17 at 15:57:27 LegEasy 6 Windows

Re:missing configuer.bat file

Download: dataease error 2.PNG

this is the following prompt after clicking ok on the previous one

Written by Martyn Blackstock 15/08/17 at 15:59:38 LegEasy 6 Windows

Re:Re:missing configuer.bat file

From your error message it seems you are using an older version of DataEase for WIndows.

it is not configur.bat but configur.DAT

When running older DataEase for WIndows in a network you need to configure the environment properly, you can read more about it here:

As this is slightly awkward it was changed in DFW 7.x onwards so you don't need to do this....

Written by DataEase 15/08/17 at 16:16:47 LegEasy 6 Windows

Re:Re:Re:missing configuer.dat file

corrected the title, cheers, simple slip. great. user has retained control of their station now so will contact them tomorrow and see if that helps

Written by Martyn Blackstock 15/08/17 at 16:24:33 LegEasy 6 Windows