DataEase for DOS DQL Manual
With the "Re-Launch" of DataEase for DOS through LegEasy4DOS the need for a refresher in old syntaxe for commands and functions has returned with a vengeance.
Almost everybody has been able to keep track of their old applications but not as many has been able to keep hold of the manuals etc.
DataEase for DOS is so old that the manuals has never existed in electronic form.
But as part of our LegEasy program we have now dug up and old set and you can buy the DQL Manual in our WebShop for download.
A small preview of what you can expect is to be found under

100% DataEase
LegEasy4DOS Professional is a "pioneer" that showcase the future of DataEase.
No! The future is not retro, and the bit about it that is pioneering is not the fact that you can fun DataEase for DOS applications.
That feature is basically just how it should always have been and a catch-up with our history.
Take a closer look - The entire product is made IN DataEase following up on a "slogan" we had when we sat out to refurbish DataEase.
DataEase need to be made in DataEase!

LegEasy4DOS - How it works?
The interest in LegEasy4DOS has been "overwhelming" since we released it at the end of last week.
A lot of eagerly awaiting Professional clients jumped at it and the feedback was not late to come.
Most of you are overjoyed and excited by this opportunity to run DataEase for DOS in a modern environment, and more than happy to scrap your old XP computers and Novell servers that has kept you up at night with worry - when will it draw its last breath and what will I do then?
However not all feedback is good and some of you have been "disappointed" too.
Some of this disappointment is down to us having problem with our server park after the release due to an unexpected heavy load - don't they always say that - but some of you have been running bench mark tests and compared it to "Native" DfD on Native XP, WIndows 7 x32 etc. and the results has baffled you.
Why is it sometimes much slower and then sometimes much faster than the comparison?
In the article below we will try to explain this and how LegEasy4DOS is designed and how it works.

LegEasy4DOS Professional Release 05.08.16
The response to our Personal version of L4D has been fantastic and it has given us great motivation in the work leading up to the release of our long awaited Professional version of L4D.
We won't spend too much time extrapolating its virtues here but limit ourselves to announcing it's release and showcase its beauty ;-)
Further down the article you will find the FREE FOR ALL Trial Key you can use to get the first "spin" in this brand new interpretation of DataEase (for DOS).

New Support Manager and new Support Products introduced
For a long time we have been focusing on improving our software products, but we have now entered a new phase where we will focus more and more on the entire customer experience.
One issue that has been raised more often than others is the lack of a dedicated support service so this is one of the areas were we will now focus.
Last month we hired Fatma Adel as our new Support Manager. She has now had some time to settle in and are more than eager to start helping you resolve your issues.

100% DataEase
LegEasy4DOS Professional is a "pioneer" that showcase the future of DataEase.
No! The future is not retro, and the bit about it that is pioneering is not the fact that you can fun DataEase for DOS applications.
That feature is basically just how it should always have been and a catch-up with our history.
Take a closer look - The entire product is made IN DataEase following up on a "slogan" we had when we sat out to refurbish DataEase.
DataEase need to be made in DataEase!

LegEasy4DOS - How it works?
The interest in LegEasy4DOS has been "overwhelming" since we released it at the end of last week.
A lot of eagerly awaiting Professional clients jumped at it and the feedback was not late to come.
Most of you are overjoyed and excited by this opportunity to run DataEase for DOS in a modern environment, and more than happy to scrap your old XP computers and Novell servers that has kept you up at night with worry - when will it draw its last breath and what will I do then?
However not all feedback is good and some of you have been "disappointed" too.
Some of this disappointment is down to us having problem with our server park after the release due to an unexpected heavy load - don't they always say that - but some of you have been running bench mark tests and compared it to "Native" DfD on Native XP, WIndows 7 x32 etc. and the results has baffled you.
Why is it sometimes much slower and then sometimes much faster than the comparison?
In the article below we will try to explain this and how LegEasy4DOS is designed and how it works.

LegEasy4DOS Professional Release 05.08.16
The response to our Personal version of L4D has been fantastic and it has given us great motivation in the work leading up to the release of our long awaited Professional version of L4D.
We won't spend too much time extrapolating its virtues here but limit ourselves to announcing it's release and showcase its beauty ;-)
Further down the article you will find the FREE FOR ALL Trial Key you can use to get the first "spin" in this brand new interpretation of DataEase (for DOS).

New Support Manager and new Support Products introduced
For a long time we have been focusing on improving our software products, but we have now entered a new phase where we will focus more and more on the entire customer experience.
One issue that has been raised more often than others is the lack of a dedicated support service so this is one of the areas were we will now focus.
Last month we hired Fatma Adel as our new Support Manager. She has now had some time to settle in and are more than eager to start helping you resolve your issues.

LegEasy 4DOS - Update!
We are and should be very happy when an upcoming release of a DataEase product cause this much of a stir, but it is also a sobering moment.
We obviously still have some catching up to do with our new products before they reach the same popularity as the early versions of DataEase.
Luckily the "re-launch" of DataEase for DOS is part of our DataEase infrastructure strategy so you will now be able to run your legacy apps well into this century when at the same time integrate them with the latest DataEase technology.

Locking Strategies for dummies!
Ever wondered why you have so much trouble with inconsistency and being locked out of your DataEase database? If the answer is YES, read one and discover how you can easily remedy it.
Full, Basic, Opportunistic - What does this really mean? We get a lot of questions about which locking to choose in DataEase, and the answers we have give - are giving, have changed over the years. I guess that if this was a simple as it "should be", there wouldn't even be three options in DataEase, and we wouldn't leave this is in your hands.
I have spent quite a lot of times over the years debating and exploring this myself, and the problem is that it is more of a philosophical problem, than a technical one. Pictures this as going into a Chinese restaurant and ordering. You get a many with 500 items, and you are vaguely familiar with 3 of them, so what do you do. Choose what you know, or go for the set menu...

[{8}]five Release and Release program.
DataEase {[8}]five went into production today and from now on it will be all about 8.5 and beyond.
We have now concluded the longest Beta program in DataEase history - 427 days or over 1 year and 2 months.
So why so little fanfare on this watershed day?

Warning! Price increase on DataEase 8 from January 1st
We are changing how we license DataEase from Januar 1st 2016.
In short we will stop dividing licenses (and executables) in Developer (Full) and GROUP (Runtime) and introduce a simple User License and one executable that will be either a development environment or a Application Launcher based on the users privileges.
The change might seem dramatic at first, but you will get much more functionality and flexibility.
This is just an early warning to those of you that plan to buy DataEase 8 in the near future, more information on the change in product and licensing strategy will follow.

Dynamic Design - A New paradigm in DataEase development
ExecDQLClass(), CreateTable(), AddColumn()* signify a complete breach with previous DataEase thinking.
From its infancy in the early 80ies and throughout its life until DE8 there was a clear divide in DataEase between Design and Runtime. (At least in the head of the designers, but the fact that most people used it interactively and added and changed to it in real time was not taken into account)
Tables, Scripts, Forms, Reports was froozen in runtime and there was few if any way you could make your application dynamic.
How this has changed in 8....

How to create CDFs for use in DE8/DG3
This is how you create your own CDFs using Visual Studio 2013. I selected to use this version because any one can get a full version for free as long as you register with MicroSoft. You should be able to recreate this in any version of Visual Studio in almost the same way as described here. Not much has changed in creating Windows DLLs in the last 20 years. You probably can do the same using other compilers as MinWin GCC and Embarcadero, but that is outside the scope of this document.

Migrating from DFW 5.x and 6.x to DE8.5 including National Versions
If you want to encompass DataEase problems in one word it must be Migration. It is fascinating that a company that has had so little success with this concept, has sworn to it for such a long time.
It is a badly hidden secret that DataEase lost most of it users in the flawed and bodged migration of DFD application to early DFW, what is maybe not so well know is all the other "unsuccessful" migration events.
In this article we will explain what/why and how it went wrong and what you can do to work around it.

We reached our 1.000.000 visitor today 23rd of February 2015
At the beginning of the year we had estimated that we would get our 1.000.000 visitor at the 6th June this year, but with the Beta of 8.5 and the great feedback we have seen both visits on our website and sales sky-rocket and we reached the 1.000.000 threshold more than a Quarter ahead of schedule!
We just have to thank you all for your patience with us, and for your contributions and support throughout the last couple of years since we took charge.
We both hope and feel that our efforts and enthusiasm for DataEase has been well received and are reciprocated by you all!
A wholehearted thank you to your all from "The DataEase Team".

NEW! Functions in DataEase 8.0 to 8.5 (Page 1)
Some of you might be aware of it but it seems a lot isn't so it might be time to advertise a little the vast number of new functions and functionalities that has been added to DataEase 8.0 through 8.5.
For a long time the only way new functions found their way to DataEase was through active and ingenious users which developed CDF's. As much as the CDF's alleviated the obvious short-comings in DataEase 5.x to 7.2 it was cumbersome, undocumented and "secretive" i.e. not everyone was in the know.
With 8.x we decided that the focus needed to be on moving DataEase forward, rather than the constant dance around the "bug fixing" fire.
Have a look and a try for yourself.
Due to the number of new functions we had to publish the short description in two articles, of which this is the last.
Also have a look on the blog synopsis found in the list to the right.

NEW! ?Functions in DataEase 8.0 to 8.5 (Page 2)
Some of you might be aware of it but it seems a lot isn't so it might be time to advertise a little the vast number of new functions and functionalities that has been added to DataEase 8.0 through 8.5.
For a long time the only way new functions found their way to DataEase was through active and ingenious users which developed CDF's. As much as the CDF's alleviated the obvious short-comings in DataEase 5.x to 7.2 it was cumbersome, undocumented and "secretive" i.e. not everyone was in the know.
With 8.x we decided that the focus needed to be on moving DataEase forward, rather than the constant dance around the "bug fixing" fire.
Have a look and a try for yourself.
Due to the number of new functions we had to publish the short description in two articles, of which this is the first.
Also have a look on the blog synopsis found in the list to the right.
13/02/25 13:38:17 
Calculating Number of Months
Can you please assist me with a formula to calculate number for months say from 01/05/1999 to 31/08/2025
Product: DataEase 8.5 Runtime
Written by: Godfrey

31/01/25 11:01:09 
Re:Re:DE9 Email configuration.
Every major SMTP provider is changing to OAUTH2 which to be honest is a nightmare...like most "secure" things are.
The idea is that servers is supposed to authenticate each other and only receive/forward mail from certified servers.
SMTP is very original and basically has NO security as its based on the original beautiful idea of collaboration - like the international mail network - where all the other postal services forward and deliver mail from the rest without charge as its supposed to be mutually beneficial.
Enter SPAM and cheap stuff from China and people start to think that its maybe not such a good idea.
I have a feeling that it will be a little like security on cars. Only a problem for the owner, the thieves seems to be a step ahead...
We will see when they tighten the strings on the net what happens, so far my spam box is as full as ever...
Our OAUTH2 solution will be ready this spring and it will be "plug and play" like everything we do from now on. We can't expect that the users have to try and fail forever to figure things out, and nobody really read documentation so the best solution is that it just works...
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: DataEase

29/01/25 08:18:06 
Re:DE9 Email configuration.
Hi,thanks for your help on this one. I've now got it working, I abandoned the yahoo email settings and used my own BT email instead. Bingo! it all started working. I'm looking forward to the new email setup when ts ready.
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Eric

27/01/25 21:49:08 
Re:Catalogue not shown
Download Catalog.html
Some further digging in old documentation we found that there is another way to tell the WebView what emulation you want. Its a Meta data setting in the header.

This will be included in future releases of LE9 but if you have the problem now, you can simply replace your catalog in the DataEase catalogue with the attached file.
If you use your own HTML in service windows, or in webfields and experience the same problem just add this setting to your own HTML
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: DataEase

27/01/25 19:18:06 
Re:Re:Re:Re:Catalogue not shown
The problem is that the WebView object used in LE9 and many other tools is based on IE11. WebView2 which we use in DE10 is based on edge.
We have retained the IE11 object in LE9 simply because its much easier to work with for our users that want to develop their own web controls etc.
The problem is that which version of IE to emulate has to be set in Registry which we do when you install LE9. However for some reason and more or less a little randomly WIndows update clear these settings and they have to be reset to make it work correctly as the default for WebView is IE8... which is dark ages.
So the problem is the messy way Microsoft do things to insure compatibility left right and centre.
We are aware that even though this is Microsofts mistake, its our problem so we are working on solutions to fix this but obviously all their brilliant ideas work at cross purposes so to set registry settings you have to run in elevated mode etc etc.
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: DataEase

27/01/25 18:26:25 
Re:Re:Re:What is New in LE9 sample.
GREAT! thx a lot. GLORY TO DataEase team!
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

27/01/25 18:25:12 
Re:Re:Re:Re:Export Group/Count data to text file
undoubtedly new DE will solve the problem NEVERTHELESS
Product: LegEasy 8 Developer
Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

27/01/25 18:23:12 
Re:Re:Re:Re:Catalogue not shown
Hi all. It is better TO wait for A new RELEASE of DE ... undoubtetly
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Ihor Zakharchenko

26/01/25 16:17:16 
Re:Re:Re:Catalogue not shown
Another Windows update and the same thing occurs.
I am now using Version 6835.
I perform the Windows update, go into LegEasy9, open a database and the same things occurs (See attached .png file).
I go into several different databases, all showing the same display, but then, without me doing anything explicitly, it all starts working again.
You may say "Its just your machine" but the fact that it has happened after two Windows updates is rather strange.
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Peter Birney, PB Associates

24/01/25 05:51:18 
Re:Re:Re:Export Group/Count data to text file
Doubt it will remove your error but it is convenient to include the column header with delimiter
.form header
Product: LegEasy 8 Developer
Written by: Sam

24/01/25 01:13:04 
Re:Re:Export Group/Count data to text file
Below is the script I have tried. Thank you for responding.
for Applications ;
list records
Key in groups ;
Key : Count .
export to "C:\Users\RainsJC\Desktop\Audits\Keys.txt" .
.form header
Product: LegEasy 8 Developer
Written by: Bolt-on-Trailers

24/01/25 00:49:27 
Re:Export Group/Count data to text file
Does the DQL have " .end " in the last line?
Product: LegEasy 8 Developer
Written by: Sam

24/01/25 00:31:24 
Re:LE9 .6835 Change in DQL editor type-ahead search and Tab behaviour?
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Sam

23/01/25 17:02:20 
Export Group/Count data to text file
Hi All,
Can I export the Group and Count data to a text file? The following script gives me the error in the attached file. I'm not sure how the script for the required TableView Name (see attached) should appear.
for Applications ;
list records
Key in groups ;
Key : Count .
export to "C:\Users\RainsJC\Desktop\Audits\Keys.txt" .
.form header
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Product: LegEasy 8 Developer
Written by: Bolt-on-Trailers

20/01/25 15:24:13 
Re:Re:What is New in LE9 sample.
DEOS in DEBook
Scroll down to @EmailSend and you will see how the function works.
You will see there is quite a lot of other useful functions in DEOS (DataEase Operating System, which we created in DE9 to include more specialised stuff that shouldn't clog up the function tray in DE).
It will pick up defaults from RDRRAAA.INI if arguments is missing.
The problem is very often picky SMTP servers so you have to get it all correct.
We are working with the new SMTP functionality which will include a test of your settings as well as a AUTO mode where we query the SMTP server to figure out what settings it will need.
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: DataEase

20/01/25 14:57:52 
Re:What is New in LE9 sample.
Thanks for including the whats new files I think I'm on the right lines however even the whats new examples assumes the Email Configuration is valid and this is where I think I'm going wrong. Is there a way I can tell if it is valid ? Do you have a date for the new email update mentioned previously ?
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Eric

17/01/25 11:18:38 
What is New in LE9 sample.
Download What is New LE9
Here is the latest increment of the What is New in LE9.
You can download and use that to test these things.
It is basically just a test of new function sample we create for ourselves when developing so don't look to much at the layout etc ;-)
Developers aren't designers....
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: DataEase

17/01/25 11:15:29 
Re:DE9 Email configuration.
Hi Eric.
We are amending the email function as so many SMTP servers now demand a more secure authentication due to spam etc. SMTP is a fire and forget protocol which is a big problem as people can actually very easily use any server to forward their spam.
Another problem is that based on the header forwarded by your email/smtp your emails might get caught in the spam filter of the recipient.
I had that problem testing it myself as "test" etc. from the same sender obviously was "suspicious" ;-)
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: DataEase

13/01/25 15:18:43 
DE9 Email configuration.
Hi, I'm trying to email pdf documents directly from Dataease. I have set the email configuration to a yahoo account I created for the purpose. I have an icon with a blue spinning gear which I assume means something (hopefully good). I was hoping to use DocumentRun to do the work and have got the pdf creation working but the email doesn't seem to work, and the system gives no clues as to what is going wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction.
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Eric

08/01/25 13:21:09 
DIW create utility
Attached is an example app containing a generic utility to automatically create a DIW script and copy all required files to a folder.
This is useful for where one or more users are working on one or more DEV app copies to be able to easily select and export new and updated documents for import into the production app.
It can be installed in any LE9 app as long as there are no form/table/relationship name conflicts.
The utility can be used to select docs created/modified for export as a new or updated document and table data can be included.
This was originally created many years ago in DFW 5 and is now updated for LE9.
Username: USER
Password: USER

NB: Doc & Records status must be run before REFRESH EXPORT EDITOR
>>AUTO SELECT DOCS allows for new/modified docs for a specified date range and user name to be automatically selected with appropriate selection of DIW 'install'/'replace' option based on the document change control history.
NB: This utility will not work for docs created/ modified if logging in with the default blank username. A non-blank high level user name must be used.
To install this utility in a LE9 app:
1. Copy the \XDOCS subfolder to your application folder - eg. ..\YOURAPP\XDOCS
2. Copy the Wizutil132ns.dll cdf library to you program or app folder.
3. Import Wiz_CDFS.txt into Custom Functions - NB: Tab delimited - (required for progress bar function - many thanks to Lawrence Fox)
4. Import RelsX.txt into Relationships - NB: Tab delimited- Use "add only new records" to ensure it does not overwrite existing records
5. Run the Install_xDocs.diw DIW script (the docs file path is relative with the expectation that XDOCS is a subfolder in your app folder)
The script will not overwrite any existing docs with the same name.
Not sure if DIW scripts will still be supported in DE9, but if not hopefully there will be a newer method to easily export / import new & updated docs/tables.
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer
Written by: Sam