Simplicty and flexibility!


DEOS(commandstring, param1,param2..paramn)
DEOS("@DFDDQLNr","C:\MyApp\REPOxAAA.DBM") -- Read the number of DQL's in a DFD application.
DEOS("@DFDDQLPath","C:\MyApp\REPOxAAA.DBM","5") -- Read out path for DQL nr 5 in REPORT File.
DEOS("@DFDDQLSet","C:\MyApp\CUSTxAAA.DBR","MyDQLMemo","MyBodyMemo") -- Read the DQL Script and Body Layout from DFD DQL and set in memo in current form.
DEOS("@DFDDQLPrism","C:\MyApp\CUSTxAAA.DBR",MyDQLMemo,MyBodyMemo) -- Same as above, but set in PRISM memos. This is for processing i.e. inside DQL.
DEOS("@BrowseForApp") -- Will open the file dialog and browse for a DataEase 8.5 Application
DEOS("@GetBrowsedAppPath") -- Will return the path to the app browsed for.
DEOS("@GetBrowsedAppName") -- Will return the name of the app browsed for.
DEOS("@OpenApp","AppPath","AppName") -- will open the Application in path with name Appname.
DEOS("@NewApp","AppPath","AppName","","","Template") -- Will create a new application in Path with Name APpName using Template Template.

in 8.5 the goal is to think and act outside the traditional DataEase "box". With Remote() we give you the ability to read data from Remote data-sources like the new DataEase Server, and with Get() we allow you to read localized infomation i.e. from files and environment variables etc.

The first "major" functionality to be implemented in Get() is to read DFD Repositories like Reports (both 4.x and 5.x) and then based on the information gathered read out the DQL Code (Script) and Body Formatting.

This function is only available in DE8.5.1.1995 or later.

PS! Please update to version later than 2281 to get make sure all listed features are available.


Keyword (@): All Keywords start with @:

@DFDDQLNr : Return the number of DQL's in REPOxAAA.DBM.
@DFDDQLName: Return the name of a numbered DQL in the Repostiory.
ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLName","C:\MyApp\REPOAAAA.DBM","6")
@DFDDQLPath: Return the path of a numbered DQL in the Repostiory.
ex. DEOS("@DFDDQPath","C:\MyApp\REPOAAAA.DBM","6")
@DFDDQLSet: Read the DQL Script and Body out of the DBR file and set it in two memos in the local form..
ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLName","C:\MyApp\CUSTAAAA.DBR","MyDQLMemo","MyBodyMemo")
@DFDDQLPrism: Read the DQL Script and Body out of the DBR file and set it in two PRISM Memos (Processing).
ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLName","C:\MyApp\CUSTAAAA.DBR",MyDQLMemo,MyBodyMemo)

String Returns the app ini setting based on in rdrrXaaa.ini found in the application folder
- Section - The ini section where this setting is found, this is seen as [SECTION NAME] in the ini file
- Key - The key found in the defined section. This is seen as KeyName= in the ini file
- [Default] - The value to return if no setting is found in the ini file
@AppIniSet String Sets the app ini value in rdrrXaaa.ini found in the application folder
- Section - The ini section where this setting is found, this is seen as [SECTION NAME] in the ini file
- Key - The key found in the defined section. This is seen as KeyName= in the ini file
- Value - The value to set (must use string)
@BrowseForApp String Open a new item style dialog (Windows Vista and newer) and let you select a folder. If the folder contains DataEase applications the name of the application is shown. The default is to return the folder selected.
Parameters [Optional]
- [Start path] where to start to select file. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank.
- [Return type] default is to return folder selected but you can use the following to override this:
@BrowseForAppFile String Open a new item style dialog (Windows Vista and newer) and let you select a repository file. If the folder contains DataEase applications the name of the application is shown. The default is to return the folder selected.
Parameters [Optional]
- [Type] now or old style rdrr file. Default is old style.
- [Start path] where to start to select file. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank.
- [Return type] default is to return folder selected but you can use the following to override this:
@BrowseForFile String Open a new item style dialog and let you select a file. The file path is then returned.
Parameters [Optional]
 - [Start path] where to start to select file. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank.
 - [Filter] what files to display in dialog. Default is All files (*.*)|*.* that will list all files. To set you own, use the format My description|*.ext;My other description|*.other Ex: DEOS("@BrowseForFile","Images (*.png)|*.png;All files|(*.*)")
 - [Settings] no implemented yet. For future use
@BrowseForFolder String Open a new item style dialog and let you select a folder. The file path is then returned.
Parameters [Optional]
- [Start path] where to start to select folder. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank.
- [Settings] no implemented yet. For future use
@CallAction Nothing deos("@callaction",actionno,param)
ActionNo = Action number in action list.
Param = Arguments for action (extended).
@ChangeLicense Change the license key in DataEase to a new one. Can be done in dialog or by supplying the new license.
Parameters [Optional]
 - [LicenseKey]

Ex. DEOS("@ChangeLicense",GetValue("NewLicense")) will change your license to the one supplied in the field NewLicense. It will only be changed if this is a valid license.
@CopyDirectory Nothing Copy a directory and all subdirectories to a new folder
 - from path
 - to path
@CopyFile Nothing Copy a file to a directory or over another file
 - file to cpoy
 - path to copy to or file name to copy to
@CreateDirectory Nothing Created a directory at given path.
 - path

Only creates the path if parent directory exists.
@ClearAppKey Clear the Generated AppKey in RDRRxAAA
@CreateShortcut Create a shortcut used for starting an anplication
 - path to executable file
 - working directory
 - startup arguments
 - linkfile (can be absolute if next parameter is blank) recognized by windows (ex. "myapp.lnk")
 - addto (can be blank, "Desktop" or "Programs"). If programs is used, use a relative path to the link file to add to a specific program group.
 - iconpath path to a .ico file or to exe/dll file with the icons to use
 - iconidx the index to the icon to use in the file pointed to by iconpath

DEOS("@CreateShortcut","C:\Program Files (x86)\DataEase\DataEase 8.5\dataease.exe","",StringEscape("/'C:\Users\myuser\Documents\My DataEase\MyApp/' TheApp"),"TheApp.lnk","Desktop","C:\Program Files\App with icons\IconApp.exe",0)
will add you app in the on the desktop with the name TheApp and use the first icon in the IconApp.exe as the application icon.

@DeleteDirectory Nothing Delete an empty directory or by adding second the files as well. Use with caution.
 - path to directory
 - [allfiles=yes]

Ex. DEOS("@DeleteDirectory","C:\Users\Per\Documets\DataEaseApp","allfiles=yes") will remove all files and the directory without any warning.

As a precaution, the path has to be at least 10 chars long.
@DeleteFile Nothing Delete a file
 - file path name
@DirectoryEmpty yes/no Check if a directory with the given path is empty. Return yes if exists and empty and no for exists and not empty. Return blank if not exists.
- path
@DirectoryExists yes/no Check if a directory with the given path exists. Return yes for exists and no for not exists.
 - path
@FileExists yes/no Checks for a file. If the file exists, yes is returned and else no is returned. A directory named the same as the file given will return no. Use @DirectoryExists to check for directories.
 - File pah
@GetAppKey String Get the UNIQUE application key for this application. 8.6 onwards.
@GetBrowsedAppName String
Returns the application name returned by the previous call to @BrowseForApp.
@GetBrowsedAppPath String Returns the folder returned by the previous call to @BrowseForApp.
@GetBrowsedAppVersion String Return a version identifier. The currently supported version is DfW 8.5, DfW 7, DfW 7, DfW6, DfD 5, DfD 4.5
@NewApp Nothing Let you create an app by supplying Folder, Name, UserName, Password and App template as parameters. The application is opened after creating in a new DataEase instance. The Default template will be used if none given. To not use a template, use the template name "<none>".
@OpenApp Nothing Let you open an app by supplying Folder, Name, [UserName], [Password] and [DefaultDoc] as parameters. The application is opened in a new DataEase instance.
@PinToStart Add a application link to the new Start menu in Windows >8
 - path to folder
 - file

Ex. DEOS("@PinToStart","%USERPROFILE%Desktop","MyApp.lnk") will add the MyApp link at you desktop to the new Start
@PinToTaskbar Add a application link to the Taskbar in Windows >8
- path to folder
- file

Ex. DEOS("@PinToTaskbar","%USERPROFILE%Desktop","MyApp.lnk") will add the MyApp link at you desktop to the Taskbar.
@RenameApp String Let you rename an application of any version (4.53DOS-8.5Win) by parameters:
- Path
- Old name
- New name

Return nothing if rename is done and the reason for not renaming if there was an error.
@RestartApp Nothing Will restart the app with the same credentials. To be used when changes that need restart to take effect has been done ex. changes/additions to RDRRxAAA.INI either manually or automatically.
@SetBrowsedAppPath Nothing Set the path used for reading application information. This can be used to get the @GetBrowsedAppName and @GetBrowsedAppVersion from a path without having to browse for the files using GUI.
@SetFileTime Nothing Set the file last changed time and date
 - file path
- string with date and time in the format used by DataEase at your location Ex. 17/03/2016 09:32:02 for UK

The date format uses the format set on your computer, but you can override this by using prefix if you want to use a hard coded time stamp. The supported prefix are:
ISO:YYYY/MM/DDThh:mm:ss Ex. ISO:2016/03/22T03:14:15
I:DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss Ex. I:22/3/2016 3:14:15
M:YYYY/MM/DDThh:mm:ss Ex. M:2016/3/22 3:14:15
N:MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss Ex. 3/22/2016 3:14:15
@UnPinFromStart Remove a application link from the new Start menu in Windows >8
- path to folder
- file

Ex. DEOS("@UnPinFromStart","C:\Windows","notepad.exe") will remove the notepad.exe link from your new start menu
@UnPinFromTaskbar Remove a application link from the Taskbar in Windows >8
- path to folder
- file

Ex. DEOS("@UnPinFromTaskbar","C:\Windows","notepad.exe") will remove the notepad.exe link from the Taskbar.
@Unzip Nothing/
Unzip a compressed file to a directory. If the catalog is not exists, it will be created.
 - Zip file
 - Path to unzip to

Zip formats supported are zip. 7z, gzip, bzip2, rar, arj, tar, iso, cab, lzma, lzma86 and more. We supports all format the 7z decompressor supports.
Directory will only be created if parent directory exists.
@Zip Nothing/
Zip a directory and sub directory to a file.
 - Directory to zip
 - Zip file name path

Zip formats supported for zipping is .zip, .7z, .bz2, .gz, .tar, .swm,  .txz and more. We supports all the formats the 7z compressor supports and recognizes as file endings.


String with asked for field, empty string or in error situation the error string.



See Also

On the forum about DEOS

Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

See below &nbsp;an example :....................................... .................................. ................................ ...........................

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Luca 31/07/13 at 13:21:39

Re:Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

Hmmm… This is a little headache. SetGlobal(), GetGlobal() is an internal function now not a CDF. And it is defined with “names” rather than numbers to make it more useful. SetGlobal(“MyVar”,MyValue) GetGloba...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 31/07/13 at 13:23:50

Re:Re:Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

It's not a good idea to change how existing functions, etc, work, especially with such a commonly used function as this one.Could you not have given the internal version of this function a different name? e.g. GetVariable, or GetVar.Ther...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Adrian Jones 02/08/13 at 14:04:19

Re:Re:Re:Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

Very good point Adrian and the time to correct it is now and the new name is GetVar()/SetVar().Luckily this is the only one, was worse when hole functionality was replaced like the Old Memo with the New memo or Lookup fields with Multi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/08/13 at 14:34:42

Re:Re:Re:Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

You can of course still use numbers and loop through them if that is what you want as DataEase automatically converts numbers to text when you use a variable, so in that use case there will be no difference....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/08/13 at 13:40:19

Re:Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

SetGlobal()/GetGlobal() are now renamed to SetVar() and GetVar().You can now use the old CDF and the new functions in parallel.If you have used the the new internal format for SetGlobal()/GetGlobal() you will have to rename them in your...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/08/13 at 13:41:53

Re:Re:Re:Problem with GetGlobal / SetGlobal functions while checking procedure .

Adrian Jones wrote: "There is also an advantage to having the number, as it means you can view the currently used values with a getGlobal ( number ), or with my Looper table of integers with getGlobal ( LoopNo ). Of course, if the...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/10/13 at 09:16:45

GetCurrent( )

Is there a list somewhere of all the values that can go with this...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Gregor Popp 28/08/14 at 06:18:53

Re:GetCurrent( )

Dear Mr. Popp of course there is.<strong st...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Tech Sup 28/08/14 at 09:27:51

How can I get current application name to appear in a field


Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Gregor Popp 28/08/14 at 10:47:03

Re:How can I get current application name to appear in a field

Instead of object type field, there is anoher object type called Application Variable.&nbsp; Put this on the form instead, and choose Application Name from the drop down.&nbsp; not sure what you want to do but I use this as a form heading to identify...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 28/08/14 at 11:22:12

setvalue getvalue

Following on from the 'Reporter' thread, which has gone haywire and is putting latest replies not at the bottom but in the middle of the thread!&nbsp; I figured I'd start a new thread.I'm now having to learn QBM and ditch DQL as dataease no lon...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 09/09/14 at 15:31:40

Re:setvalue getvalue

The initial problem is that you have been advised to use the wrong function.If i am not mistaken Adrian took this from the top of his head and mixed them up. The format is the same but they do very different things.&nbsp;SetValue() and GetValu...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Tech Sup 09/09/14 at 15:55:42

Re:Re:setvalue getvalue

Ahaaaaaaa! it worked! :DSmug look for doing a qbm that works.&nbsp; Only taken me 20 years ... :D&nbsp; Soooooo, I can now do a report using qbm and a dql for the data entry form to get the variables (an entered start and end date for the repor...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 10/09/14 at 08:25:12

Will the DataEase/Ffenics Forum ever get back up?

I have been a frequent reader of the old PLM&nbsp;DataEase forum that was merged with the Ffenics forum. I appreciate the fact that you have a new DataEase forum here, but &nbsp;since I am still a DFD user&nbsp;you lack a lot of the history of the "or...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Alex McC 30/09/14 at 10:25:09

Re:Will the DataEase/Ffenics Forum ever get back up?

I am sorry Alex but we have no inside information on what is going on at Ffenics.The Ffenics forum has a DataEase section but it is not related, supported or sponsored by us in any way. As you point out the PLM Consulting people threw their lo...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 02/10/14 at 10:06:27

Re:Re:Will the DataEase/Ffenics Forum ever get back up?

Hi! I don't know anything about the status of the Ffenics forum, but I too need to find references on old DataEase stuff. The truth is that neither the current DataEase forum, nor the Ffenics forum contain all the good old stuff even when working....

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Andy 06/10/14 at 09:55:59

Re:Will the DataEase/Ffenics Forum ever get back up?

I don't believe the ffenics forum is meant to be down permanently, but it does show staggering lack of customer care and technical ability to not have this back up and running.We've been without the forum as long as we've been without Robin Wil...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Adrian Jones 10/10/14 at 11:04:04

Gettinng rid of temp form

Hi there,I recently noticed that dimension of my application grew a lot, I mean, almost doubled its size. I investigated and in Application -&gt; Status -&gt; Records I found a lot of temp form files. File types are .dbm, .i0x, .tdf and others....

Product: . Written by George Washington 09/01/15 at 08:38:10

Re:Gettinng rid of temp form

When you change a table, the existing table is renamed Temp Form xxx (xxx is a number), and DataEase then create the new table with the correct name. When the table is crated, data is transferred from Temp Form xxx and then Temp Form xxx is deleted.<b...

Product: . Written by DataEase 09/01/15 at 10:54:29

Re:Re:Gettinng rid of temp form

Yep it worked thanks....

Product: . Written by George Washington 09/01/15 at 12:10:38

I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2

Hi.&nbsp;I am trying to convert from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2.&nbsp;Everything works fine, but I get problems with the dates in my app.&nbsp;When migrating I get Invalid/Illegal Date format for each record...Can anyone help?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Abe Jones 26/01/15 at 16:12:22

Re:I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2

The problem is related to the Base Year in your DFW 6.x app.If the base year in the app is different than the base year in DE8.2 you will get this problem.Simply change the base year in your 6.x app to correspond with DE8.2 i.e. 75.<br...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 26/01/15 at 16:15:01

GetFileName problem

Dear All,I've two tables and each one has a button.Table #1 , Button 1 Action:Execute Function/DerivationSetValue("path_Imagem",GetFileName("","",GetCurrent(GetVAr("pathImagens")))))<str...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by afonso santos 16/05/15 at 09:01:31

Re:GetFileName problem

A small sample that showcase the problem is necessary for us to spend the time to look into it, it is so many possible sources for error that it is a waste of time for us to try to replicate the problem based on just a small part of the environment.<b...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/05/15 at 10:22:15

Re:Re:GetFileName problem

Please check this example:table t_entrada_principal - start here in order to initializing variable pathstable t_parametros_sistema where we can define the folder's pathtable t_teste with 2 buttons one for each folder...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by afonso santos 16/05/15 at 12:06:48

Re:Re:Re:GetFileName problem

Hallo Afonso,did you also checked the rigth names e.g. Objeknames and Fieldnames ! Or maybe the writing of the Variabels in the scripts.An option e.g. to check step by step to lokate the problem..... ;)Good luck....Markus</...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 16/05/15 at 12:56:02

Re:Re:Re:Re:GetFileName problem

All verified. Problem still happeningThanksAS...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by afonso santos 16/05/15 at 14:26:16

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:GetFileName problem

Problem is that you confuse two different functions:GetCurrent() will retrieve a system variable, and the input for it is WHICH system variable you want to retrieve.GetCurrent("MyDocuments") will return the path to your Documents, GetC...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 19/05/15 at 08:53:07

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:GetFileName problem

Sorry, but after making the changes you sugest,&nbsp;the results are the same.It works "sometimes"...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by afonso santos 19/05/15 at 22:31:41

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:GetFileName problem

Then your problem is that you for some reason don't get an existing path etc in your parameters.I also saw that you have too many end parentheses, that might affect something.We use this function all the time and have had no problems a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 20/05/15 at 07:41:08

Problems with getting the correct year from year()

Hi silly quick question. I want the year from a date field '15' at the moment it is giving me 20 as in 2015...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Dave C 15/08/15 at 09:30:48

Re:Problems with getting the correct year from year()

lastc(year(date),2)Year() return a 4 digit year i.e. 2015 and as all return values are treated as text in conversion that will be read from left to right when you convert it to two digits.So if you only want the last to digits you need...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/08/15 at 09:35:10

When we can get not trial license for this dataease beta 8.5

I think you should give us new license key for this dataease beta 8.5 cause every month must renew install the program.When we can get not trial license for this dataease beta 8.5?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 27/08/15 at 05:01:33

Re:When we can get not trial license for this dataease beta 8.5

The Beta program is voluntary and all released beta versions expire within 1-2 months from release simply because we want them out of circulation.&nbsp;For there being any point in a beta program the testers need to run the latest version of t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 27/08/15 at 08:00:05

Re:Re:When we can get not trial license for this dataease beta 8.5

For your info, i already sign up with this email when to upgrade the dataease. Can you replace my new email? Here, i just can replace my password.This my new

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 28/08/15 at 02:44:20

How to make SetState permanent when you get out of form.

SetState("Hide",0)&nbsp;&nbsp;How to make it permanent while getting out of the form, until I change it to&nbsp;Show. ...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Ken Roth 24/09/15 at 18:11:48

Re:How to make SetState permanent when you get out of form.

Hallo KEN, what about global variable ? Maybe a solution......Kind regards markus...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 24/09/15 at 19:25:42

Re:Re:How to make SetState permanent when you get out of form.

Not really a programmer, can you give me an example of how to hide a cell and how to hide a button even after you leave the form. I'm trying to hide pin#'s without using security as that complicates matters for those without clearance. Also, in the ol...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Ken Roth 25/09/15 at 02:45:30

Re:Re:Re:How to make SetState permanent when you get out of form.

Download Sample! Hi, have a little problem with the formulation of your q...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 25/09/15 at 08:42:39

Dataease 8.5 Error code 400 getting record invalid form handle

Dataease 8.5 Error code 400 getting record invalid form handleI'm getting this error a lot does anyone know what is causing it?I've has some issues with duplicate form names and it seems to have started from there.&nbsp;Are there...

Product: . Written by Kevin O'Donnell 09/10/15 at 11:35:50

Re:Dataease 8.5 Error code 400 getting record invalid form handle

Any DataEase page (Form/Report/DQL) is based upon a Multiview, which is an advanced ad-hoc generated join of all the columns in all the tables referenced in a page.This multi-view can become "corrupt" for a number of reasons, so the Multiview...

Product: . Written by DataEase 14/10/15 at 07:26:20

GetFileName Issue

I am using something like this;SetValue("Filename",GetFileName("","","C:\temp\")) .As you will see in the above, I want the file browse to open "C:\temp\" all the time.But, if you open browse into some other folder like for an example '...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 25/01/16 at 03:06:11

Re:GetFileName Issue

I hate using this sentence but it is "As designed..." ;-)Not by the CDF developer (yes it is a CDF and we don't have the source code so we wouldn't be able to change it we wanted to) but by Microsoft which is to maintain the last opened catalo...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 26/01/16 at 12:17:52

Re:Re:GetFileName Issue

Good to know, I am not doing something wrong here:-)Anyways, as always we find our own workaround in DataEase....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 26/01/16 at 14:37:58

Re:Re:Re:GetFileName Issue

So what is the workaround Arul.&nbsp;I was wringing my head to try to find one, but other than closing and restarting Dataease I didn't think of one as the problem is that it happens on initiation of the session i.e. when the CDF is loaded fir...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 26/01/16 at 14:58:02

Re:Re:Re:Re:GetFileName Issue

Workaround is to use a 3rd party EXE file to select the file and put that file name and path into clipboard.Then DataEase will immediately pickup.Good thing about this 3rd party EXE, it will open the folder based on what we tell it to do...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 26/01/16 at 15:01:19

Problems with GetCurrent() and SetStyle() in a subform.

I am using DE8.5.0.2115.The problem I am having is to do with sub forms and SetStyle to the record that I am actively on when I scroll down through the sub form. I have used a virtual field “vManip” with the following script: SetVar("RowNr", Ge...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Henry Gondorf 27/01/16 at 18:37:07

Re:Problems with GetCurrent() and SetStyle() in a subform.

1. The GetCurrent("RowNumber") reports the correct RowNumber most of the time. Due to the intricacies of the DataEase Multiview it can report 2 for row Number one, but it is consistent when it first happen so then you can just deduct one as you have h...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 27/01/16 at 20:13:36

Re:Re:Problems with GetCurrent() and SetStyle() in a subform.

Thank you for your reply.Item 1. I am not using this script in OML. It is being used as a derivation in a virtual field, “vManip1”, that I created on the table view specifically for this action.Item 2. I created the variable “RowNr” so...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Henry Gondorf 28/01/16 at 09:57:36

Re:Re:Re:Problems with GetCurrent() and SetStyle() in a subform.

Download Sample You are right (and wrong) and so am I ;-) Firstly I applaud...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 28/01/16 at 11:06:23

ERROR 400 Getting records invalid form handle


Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Henry Gondorf 21/03/16 at 09:03:12

if with getvalue setvalue

I have two virtual fields "ok" and "ok1". In the derivation of "ok1"I have "if(GetValue("KDNR") = blank, SetValue("OK","N"), SetValue("OK","J"))".That sould bee updated with "refreshform"? The Record is not saved jet....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 06/09/16 at 15:00:49

Re:if with getvalue setvalue

Yes.&nbsp;Depends on the derivation of the Virtual Fields and the order of the fields.If the virtual fields that are set are after the one that "manipulate" them them derivation of the virtual fields will "trump" your attempts to set t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 07/09/16 at 08:44:18

Error 1 Getting Statistical Field Data. Operation failed.

Hi,The dataease version is 8.2.&nbsp;I have a report which has five groups. The report is working fine but now I want to make a small change to one of the groups. If I make changes on the designer then it still works fine. However, if I...

Product: . Written by Kensington 05/10/16 at 13:46:38

Re:Error 1 Getting Statistical Field Data. Operation failed.

It just means that the control in the report has lost its counterpart in the code.You simply need to remove them from the report and re-insert them....

Product: . Written by DataEase 17/10/16 at 13:23:12

I need some help in getting DEMACRO.dll CDF to work

ColleaguesI've followed all the guidance and advice I've been able to find on the web, some of which is confusing and/or contradictory, but I just keep getting the message 'Error Executing Expression: Keystrokes("_tab")' &nbsp;- I've taken and...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by IanWhite 30/04/17 at 19:52:50

SetVar()/GetVar() and Strings in <=8.5 vs >=8.6

Funny you ask the question just now.The limit is and has been for any string in DataEase 255 from 1.0 through to 8.5We have a function that is MemoSetGlobal() and MemoGetGlobal() but the limitation on that is that you need a memo to be...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 12/11/17 at 13:26:21

SubForm+Getcurrent problems

Hi all,In my App i need to show a picture related with the product i'm listing in a subform.Using MouseOver event I've:define "xpos" number .define "ypos" number .act := setvalue("image",foto.value) .xpos := x...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by afonso santos 19/11/17 at 16:22:17

Re:SubForm Getcurrent problems

No ideias about it ?ThanksAfonso...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by afonso santos 27/11/17 at 00:09:26

Re:Re:SubForm Getcurrent problems

GoTo Sample Hi. Not sure what...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 27/11/17 at 09:32:34

When I created a new database in DataEase version, I am getting BASIC as locking.

When I created a new database in DataEase version, I am getting BASIC as locking. See the screen shot below. How do...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 22/12/17 at 12:18:10

Re:When I created a new database in DataEase version, I am getting BASIC as locking.

When you create a new application from &lt;none&gt; (no Template) in 8.5 you get an application with the same settings as you have in PRISM.INI. Normally you crea...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 22/12/17 at 12:27:16

after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this.

---- Tue Jan 23 13:33:10 2018 ----UTPAKKSEDDEL:- procedure running :#1: Error 402 Getting Field Data.Unknown field.---- Tue Jan 23 13:33:10 2018 ---------------------------------------...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 23/01/18 at 13:41:44

Re:after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this.

Hi.The problem is that the field in the body (header/footer) has lost "connectio" with the DQL. Just remove the offending field and re-insert it in the body....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/01/18 at 15:46:40

Re:Re:after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this.

i cant get it to work can u help me...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 08:04:23

Re:Re:Re:after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this.

I fixed it.. :)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 08:31:21

proloms getting some funktions to work again

---- Wed Jan 24 13:46:28 2018 ----UTALTSEDDLER:- procedure running :---- Wed Jan 24 13:46:28 2018 ----BESKJED1:- procedure running :---- Wed Jan 24 13:46:31 2018 ----OVARBEIDE:- procedure running :---- Wed Jan 24 13:46:31 2018 ---...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 13:42:44

Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

Hi.What version did you migrate from?This is character set problems....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 24/01/18 at 13:49:56

Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

in 2015 we migrated from v5 to 7 and then to 8 and now 8.5we have also 3 more letters in the alfabet ÆØÅ&nbsp;looks like after update&nbsp; the letter Ø dont work any more....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 14:06:11

Re:Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

There should be no such problem moving from 8.0 to 8.5 as there is no migration of forms/tables etc. The only migration is versioning of files.However there can be this kind of problem if you move from pre 7.x up to 7.x and beyond.The...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 24/01/18 at 14:20:25

Re:Re:Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

I wil send you the migrated one and inside wil also be the backup one...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 14:34:21

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

One thing you can try is to copy the ZTERMDEF.DBZ and DEMESSAG.DAT from the DataEase 8 that works to DataEase 8.5These files are the ones involved with national characters and they have previously been doctored for Norwegian by West Soft AS.<b...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 24/01/18 at 16:40:25

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

cant find the files anywhere...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 25/01/18 at 07:31:06

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

Found the files but didnt work...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 25/01/18 at 07:38:57

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:proloms getting some funktions to work again

its just one word that is making all this probloms for me. i have tried to chainge it from Høyde to Hoyde but i cant get it to work. can you guys help me?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 25/01/18 at 08:40:05

How do I create separate applications and get them on to my actual C: drive from the b: created by leg easy dos

You can create a new application in any location on your computer.SImply add a name for your new application, browse to the location you want to use, and hit SAVE and the Session will be crea...

Product: LegEasy 4DOS. Written by Bill Gunther 01/04/20 at 20:36:07

Re:Re:How do I create separate applications and get them on to my actual C: drive from the b: created by leg easy dos

You can create a new application in any location on your computer. SImply add a name for your new application, browse to the location you want to use, and hit SAVE and the Session will be...

Product: LegEasy 4DOS. Written by DataEase 06/04/20 at 13:28:04

Re:How to get DE 9 prerelease to check and idea about DQL ?

Hi Ihor.We understand and appreciate your impatience but the DE9 33% was just meant as a showcase to illustrate where we are headed. The 33% should in many ways be a clear indicator of how far that version was in its development.... ;-)Dat...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 28/01/21 at 11:16:58

Re:Re:Re:Re:How to get DE 9 prerelease to check and idea about DQL ?

Dear Ihor.You are obviously frustrated and wish things to be differently . To be honest this has been clear for quite some time so no need to repeat yourself.As a customer/consumer it is your prerogative to use any product you want and...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 28/01/21 at 15:43:40

GetCurrent() getting first, not current objectname

When using getcurrent() to get an object name, in my case the name of a button and triggering it from MouseEnter, it actually returns the name of the first object on the form, instead of the actual button I am mousing instead of getcur...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Paul Cheeseman 27/04/23 at 15:10:02

Re:GetCurrent() getting first, not current objectname

I know this is something to do with focus&nbsp;...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Paul Cheeseman 27/04/23 at 15:40:46

Re:Re:GetCurrent() getting first, not current objectname

<img src="...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 27/04/23 at 17:26:04

Open Dataease and get error message "Table Name Already Exists"


Product: DataEase 8.5 Runtime. Written by 01/02/24 at 11:45:58

On the blog about DEOS

New Function in 8 - GetCurrent() - Returns some long awaited values like AppPath, DePath and MyDoc (Ver.

DataEae has been a little "wobbly" on referencing external stuff like Images etc.There is an Imagepath in Application Preferences, but it has been rendered "defunct" so many times over the years, and nobody is really sure how it works anyway, s...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 26/09/12 at 07:53:14

New Functions in 8 - SetVar()+GetVar() - Time to take control!

As part of the DataEase for Windows restoration project we have come to a big omission in DataEase - Global Variables or transfer of information between processes if you like.It amazes us how many wishes, needs and wants from almost every user,...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/11/12 at 20:25:35

New Function(s) in 8 - SetVar()/GetVarl() - Internal function from (Ver

SetVar() and GetGlobal() is fully implemented in DataEase 8 from version build 1172.Format: SetVar("Variablename","Value") where both parameters are string. Returns Empty String.Format: GetVar("Variablename") where parameter is string. R...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 29/11/12 at 15:51:17

New Function(s) in 8 - SetVar() and GetVar(), set and read named global variables (Ver

These two functions have been partly implemented for a while, but due to structural changes in PRISM we had to disable them in release. These changes have now been made and they are free to use.It is more than 30 years since DataEase 1.0 was re...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 04/12/12 at 10:06:48

New Function in 8 - MemoStringFrom() - Copy the tail end of a Memo to a Target Memo (Ver.

This is the second of a triumvirate of Memo functions that directly correspond to the String(ToFromBetween) functions.MemoStringTo() Copies the content of a memo from the beginning up to SEARCH into a target Memo, and MemoStringFrom() copies t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 17/01/13 at 17:34:28

New Functions in 8 - MemoSetGlobal()+MemoGetGlobal() - Global array of memo values (

We have now reached 19 Memo specific functions...puh!Memo has come to it's own in 8 and it is a little funny as they were so reviled in 7.Anyways...We and our 8 users have now used the different memo functions fo...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 08/05/13 at 13:56:09

DO NOT USE! SetGlobal()+GetGlobal(). (Will be renamed to SetVar()+GetVar())

We admit that we mad a bad judgement call when we named our new Global Variable functions SetGlobal() and GetGlobal()There is a CDF with the same functions that has been widely used for years, and migration old apps will then have problems...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/08/13 at 11:35:53

New Release - DataEase - Important Change! Set/GetGlobal() changed to Set/GetVar()

We have now changed SetGlobal() and GetGlobal() internal function to SetVar() and GetVar().If you have used our internal SetGlobal()/GetGlobal() function you will need to change your code to reflect the function name changes.We have ch...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/08/13 at 13:35:17

Update to Sample CRM (NoOffice) due to change from Set/GetGlobal() to Set/GetVar()

Download Update!As we use these functions quite extensively in this sample you will need to update your sample if you have downloaded DE8 prior to a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/08/13 at 16:07:03

Re:Update to Sample CRM (NoOffice) due to change from Set/GetGlobal() to Set/GetVar()

what is the user name and password to access this sample database...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by luis conde 13/08/13 at 17:47:57

Re:Re:Update to Sample CRM (NoOffice) due to change from Set/GetGlobal() to Set/GetVar()

email and email for normal userhigh and high to access to the catalogue (Developer Mode)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Development 14/08/13 at 20:57:13

Re:DO NOT USE! SetGlobal() GetGlobal(). (Will be renamed to SetVar() GetVar())

Can't you remove this in DE8 Native ?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 14/08/13 at 21:03:12

DataEase 8.2 - GetCurrent() updated! "RowNumber", "RecordNumber", "Version" (Ver.

Download Simple Sample GetCurrent() is the addition to the old and trusted Current from DFD. We have decided to add it as a function rather than continue on the built...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 21/08/14 at 12:10:10

DataEase 8.2 - WhatVersion function. GetCurrent("Version") (Ver.

Download WhatVersion? Sample We simply write up a little more specifically on this new "application parameter" as it kind of got lost in the other ones. GetCurre...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 25/08/14 at 18:17:03

Boolean logic in DE8 - Why do I get it IF() wrong when it is right?

WIth the introduction of all the SetClass functions and controlling/manipulating forms from virtual fields etc, there has been a lot of support request because users get the syntax wrong even though they are sure it is right.Mainly this is bec...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 08/10/14 at 12:50:10

DataEase 8.2 - GetCurrent updated with a lot of new features (Ver.

Download Sample GetCurrent() is our "jack of all trades" where we add useful info features. It already return RowNumber, RecordNumber, File positions etc.<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/11/14 at 18:02:50

DataEase 8.2 - GetCurrent("Xpos" and "Ypos") for objects added (Ver.

Downlaod Updated PickLists App AIf you are familiar with our latest "play thing" MoveObject() you would also be aware that there has been some shortcomings. As...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 19/11/14 at 16:15:24

DataEase 8.5 - Function Update GetCurrent("@PrinterN") & SetState("@DefaultPrinter","PrinterName") Ver.

Dedicated printing has always been a problem in Windows and particularly in DataEase for Windows.It was simple to direct output to a specified printer for a given report/procedure in DFD but in Windows "user interaction" has been the way, whic...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/06/15 at 10:35:09

Enable/Disable based on Global variable using SetStyle(),SetState(),SetVar(),GetVar(),MoveObject()

Download Sample! We got a request from a user on how to control the users...

Product: . Written by DataEase 25/09/15 at 08:54:32

DataEase 8.5 - GetCurrent() update - CPUID, MacAddress, MacAddressWIFI, MacAddresLAN (Ver.

GetCurrent() has been expanded again with new keywords.You are now able to read and use the CPUID and IDs of your network cards on the active PC.This is useful in your application to identify the Computer that runs your application.<br...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/12/15 at 15:00:10

DataEase 8.5 - New keyword in GetCurrent("AppDataPath"). Ver (

GetCurrent("AppDataPath") will give you the path to the users local AppData.This is the area on your system where DataEase store information related to the current user/installation.Typical the path would be:c:\users\alexk\a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/12/15 at 18:15:52

Extension to GetCurrent() Find the xpos/ypos of the scrolled window (upper left corner) (Ver.

Download Sample We have extended the sample used in the previous post to include a Timer(Event...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 08/01/16 at 15:37:13

How to highlight active record in a subform by using GetCurrent("RowNumber"), SetStyle(with * and #) and GotFocus/Mousdown.

Download Sample We got a very good question o...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 28/01/16 at 11:26:05

Getting Started with DataEase for Windows 8.5

Welcome to DataEase 8.5 community!&nbsp; Are you completely new to DataEase for Windows (DFW)?&nbsp;We'll help you learn how to get started with DataEase, explore and learn the basi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Fatma Adel 04/04/16 at 11:21:04

DataEase - GetCurrent("OSVersion") and GetCurrent("OSInfo") added.

New keywords to GetCurrent added to make it possible to find out what Operating system you are running and if the operating system is x64 or x32.GetCurrent("OSVersion") will return the version of your operating systems. Due to changes and limi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/07/16 at 18:10:08

GetCurrent("ScientificTime") added to GetCurrent() to give better precision for timers (Ver.

Download Sample When DataEase was introduced back in the early 1980ies computers where so slow th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 08/09/16 at 11:07:37

ChinEase - How to get your DataEase to "speak" Chinese or any other language.... (CharacterSet/CodePage)

Download Sample We have done a lot of different fixes and improvements since we took over DataEase Devel...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/07/17 at 11:44:29

DE8.5 - How to make generalised Language Version with ExecDQL and GetCurrent() etc.

Download Sample How to create language versions of documents has been discussed before. How to acheive t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 09/06/20 at 18:50:01
